
Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Where do I start..?

Over the last few months, I have had a few out-of- body experiences where I step out of myself and my world and look into what the world has become; and it seems that with each passing day, the world becomes dumber as a whole, unknowingly living with one big wedgie riding high up our backsides!

You don’t believe me? We live in a world whose inhabitants have morphed from respecting intellectuals and achievers to according respect to half-clad nitwits all in the name of fashion and modernism, where the definition of beauty no longer contains words like grace, simplicity and perhaps virtue, but is now measured by how long one’s hair extensions and eye lashes are, and of course how much plastic they have injected into their bums, boobs and brains.

...a world where the definition of bravery has shifted from phrases like courage under fire, saving lives at the risk of one’s life, jumping into burning buildings to save people, cats or even material belongings, to “a confused and deeply troubled transgender who is a sorry excuse for a woman in a white bikini, and for which he earns awards and a reality show on a national network!.

We have degenerated from celebrating talent like Biggie Smalls, Tupac, Marvin Gaye, Elvis Presley, James Brown, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey etc., to celebrating the talent-less talent of a family of ill-bred Armenians who have come to stand for everything wrong in the world we live in today: bad parenting, sexism, making money off no talent or skills whatsoever, kids growing up faster than adults and having no sense of decency, respect or self-worth/achievement; we need to stop keeping up with retards and start celebrating achievement of people doing great things and causing positive change in this generation!

Close your eyes with me for a second and imagine a conversation between a bunch of Martians looking down at the earth and its people… what do you think that conversation would sound like, besides how we seem to get stupider with each passing day? Sometimes, I think that we have yet to discover intelligent life on other planets because we have forgotten what it means to be intelligent; how can we then recognize intelligence when we see it?

While I am not fond of rallying along the lines of end-time predictions, there is no gainsaying that at our current run rate and trajectory, the human race is at risk of being so dumbed-out that we would probably inadvertently trigger some catastrophic event that will cause the end of mankind as we know it.

Thankfully it is not all bad news; with our dumbness comes an increased responsibility for governments to protect us from harm while we pursue our random acts of individual stupidity and sometimes, institutionalized stupidity. So suddenly, it is fashionable and legal to be gay (err, remember the smiting and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? it was because they got fruity and loved it above all else - lesbianism on the other hand... most men can identify with :). While some have chided the US president for pushing this agenda on his recent visits within Africa, and the matter-of –fact responses he received from African leaders on what our immediate priorities are, the truth is that the supreme court upheld decisions and as the number one citizen, it is imperative that he ensures the safe conduct and passage of all Americans who choose to be happy, fruity and gay around the world. Institutional stupidity that promotes the shooting of unarmed civilians to death, by police, for wielding toothpicks, handkerchiefs or for just being black in the wrong place, state, and time.

Let’s not digress from the matter at hand. I feel that if we are to survive as a race, humans need to get back to being human and getting our priorities straight, we need the step back adjust our hips, look to all sides (to make sure none of the Martians are watching), and have a good o'l frakpas to reset our senses!

It is time to get back to all that is good and sensible, decent and sweet, humane and sustainable. While I am all for black equality (even supremacy on account of what we have given to the world in knowledge, skill and strength),  and an advocate for #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter, I cannot but wonder if the police are simply not a reflection of the society they come from/live in? It is unlikely that a smart society will produce a dumb police force... 

What happened to the strength of character of the black person who was proud and confident and respected? MLK and his generation? Today it is all about the #thuglife, #twerking, and duck-face-selfies, black on black violence and sagging pants, I’m black and I don’t even respect you, how do you expect to command respect from white, green, blue or pink cops when even at your best behavior and in your best get-up, you look like an irresponsible stoned thug?! #TimeToFrakpas!

The time to save our generation is now, less texting, more reading, less unproductive hours on social media, more inventions that add value to lives, less public display of cleavage and nudity, more self-respect, self-worth, less rudeness and disrespect from teens and kids on account of more corrective slapping, whipping and the like. Don’t get it twisted, I am not saying we are all stupid, I am saying that we are all at risk of being buck-smack-dumb if things do not change. #TimeToFrakpas!

Definition of terms (just in case)
  • Frakpas: this comes from the sound that’s made when you pull an elastic material out of your butt cheeks (wedgie) and release it to the sides. It is pronounced fra-kpass (like jack-ass)!
  • Wedgie: "an act of pulling up the material of someone's underpants tightly between their buttocks as a practical joke" usually cutting off the supply of blood to the brain leading to dumbness in the long run.
  • Martian: aliens from the planet Mars

Photo credits:
Wikipedia - definition of wedgie

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